Building loyal teams and lasting bonds

Great leaders are required to lead with clarity and direction, drawing inspiration from the emotional temperature in their personal life and workforce. Bringing people together, making them feel seen and comforted is what is going to create the foundations for an integrated society with aligned values, integrity, loyalty and trust.

They also make their employees feel seen. When you make your team feel visible and understood, you create an environment of loyalty, trust and integrity.

What used to work through setting goals and using a positive mindset no longer works alone. We can no longer rely only on morals and positive thinking. Our goal is not only to improve the productivity of your workplace, but to improve the lives of every individual on your team on a personal level.

Healthy signs of an emotionally educated workplace include:

●  People feel able to express themselves openly and respectfully.

●  People feel they can speak up.

●  Resilience is evident when new initiatives are introduced.

●  Flexibility is present.

●  Employees spend time together outside of work.

●  Freedom of creativity is celebrated and consistent.

●  Active listening in meetings is the norm.

●  Employees will find a compassionate ear when needed – we all have bad days.

I provide a well-designed program consisting of breathing techniques, self inquiry, meditation, progressive communication style and group exercises that will strengthen the delivering of messages and make sure precise results are given. This will happen due to a broader human to human bandwidth which we will create together. We will practice public speaking, authentic expression while giving presentations and other empowering exercises that will benefit the productivity in your workplace.

The container I am creating is fun, heartcentered and explorative.

Communication will run easy and more efficient making sure your employers is aligned with themselves as well as your companies values and goals. This will in turn strengthen the overall level of performance.

The Emotional Education I facilitate comprises a cross pollination of therapy, coaching and neurobiologyscience. These three components are all necessary to gain the essential insights in becoming self aware. From experience, I have found that a process oriented education is key to clients making this fundamental shift. And also the importance we now know very well, self-alignment is key for a strong health.

I provide quality assurance that complies with European standards and the program I offer authorises an educational quality stamp for my customers which is acknowledged by EU commission standards